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TRCC Newsletter 03/11/2024

TRCC Newsletter 03/11/2024

Newsletter Archive

Archival weekly newsletter for week of 03/11/2024

The Root Cause Coalition provides this weekly update to highlight our members’ social determinants of health (SDOH) activities, SDOH in the news, and the ever-growing challenges faced by our most vulnerable communities. We encourage you to share SDOH-focused research, events and other resources with us so that we can promote it through our TRCC network. Our aim is to foster an exchange of information that is helpful to others so that those most in need—on whose behalf we work each day—can continue to receive information, access and services to improve their health and quality of life.

If you have information to share, please email us at

Now Open: Call for Proposals for TRCC's 2024 National Summit
The call for proposals for TRCC's 9th Annual National Summit on the Social Drivers of Health is open now through March 18! The National Summit will take place at the Hilton Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland on October 6-8, 2024. Sessions will begin in the early afternoon of Sunday, October 6, and continue through Tuesday, October 8.

We are seeking proposals for breakout sessions, keynote speakers, plenary panels and posters. Our goal for the National Summit is to facilitate collaboration between all attendees and highlight the incredible work being done across the country by organizations working to achieve health equity. As such, proposals should reflect the cross-sector nature of our work and focus on demonstrable, scalable, innovative ideas and programs. Proposals that feature lived experiences or case studies are strongly encouraged. 
Key areas of focus for the 2024 National Summit include, but are not limited to:
  • Racial justice
  • Minority health and health disparities
  • Food insecurity
  • Housing insecurity
  • How we speak about social drivers of health (the marketing and communications of SDOH issues)
  • The role of technology in achieving health equity
  • Women and children’s health
  • Mental health
  • Economic insecurity
All proposals must be submitted via this form by 11:59 p.m. PST on March 18, 2024.  If you have any questions, please contact Lori Bennett at  
Submit your proposal today!

Share your passion for health equity by sponsoring the National Summit!
Whether your goal is to enhance your relationships and share business insights with other SDOH leaders, underscore your organization's role in achieving health equity, or showcase your organization's work by targeting your brand and unique programs to National Summit attendees, sponsoring TRCC's National Summit will provide you with these opportunities and more. Sponsorship opportunities for the National Summit begin at $1,500 and are designed to maximize your organization's exposure to more than 350 leaders in health care, business, community development, social services, education, faith communities, government sectors and national foundations who share your commitment to health equity and social justice. Click here to view the 2024 National Summit Sponsorship Prospectus. If you have any questions or are ready to commit to a sponsorship, please contact Lori Bennett at


Save the Date for TRCC’s 2024 Advocacy Day
We are excited to announce that this year's TRCC Advocacy Day will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington, DC. This is an in-person, member-only event. Programming will begin approximately at 9 a.m. and end around 1:30 p.m. with Hill meetings continuing throughout the afternoon. Members should keep an eye out for additional information and e-mail Hannah Miller, Senior Advisor for Advocacy, at if you have any questions.

Register for Housing and Health: Experiences, Perceptions and Concerns about Housing as a Social Driver
TRCC will be holding a webinar on Tuesday, March 12, at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the results of our new public insights survey on housing and health. Results show concern over aspects of housing, particularly with lower income Americans. Older adults and higher income earners are most likely to be very happy with their living situation, and among the general population surveyed, paying for utilities and buying healthy food are top concerns after being able to pay their rent/mortgage. Register for the webinar here and the full set of data and demographics are available here.

Communications Update
We listened to our member feedback, and we are thrilled to announce the launch of The Root Cause Coalition's official Instagram channel! Our IG account will feature research insights, behind-the-scenes glimpses, event updates and impactful member stories. Through this channel we aim to amplify TRCC member voices and foster meaningful connections in our mission to advance health equity for all. Give us a follow at @RootCauseCoalition! Member organizations are encouraged to contact Anna Megel, Member Relations Manager, at if they would like to be featured in a spotlight post.

Register for Mid-Atlantic Region Come to the Table – March 26, 2024
The Root Cause Coalition is proud to be working with the USDA to achieve the goal of ending hunger in the United States by 2030, as set forth by President Biden. Building on the momentum of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, this virtual event is an opportunity to hear from leaders in the field who will share their expertise and experiences in addressing nutrition security and health equity in the USDA’s Mid-Atlantic Region (District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Puerto Rico).

The event will take place virtually from 10 a.m. – noon ET. Please join us for an opportunity to engage in dialogue to shape policy and program priorities that will lead to a healthier future for all Americans. Register here.

Root of the Issue
Each episode of Root of the Issue explores the passion and purpose of individuals from across the nation who have dedicated themselves to championing health equity for all. Root of the Issue can be accessed on TRCC’s website and on your favorite podcast app, including Apple, Spotify and Google. Check out the most recent episode and all archived podcasts here!


TRCC Member Highlights

ACLM Webinar – The Power of Partnership: Advancing Health Equity
Register for The Power of Partnership: Advancing Health Equity on March 12, 1 p.m. ET. Part one of “The Power of Partnership” webinar series is the first collaborative effort hosted by both the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) and the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) to create shared learning around health equity through the lens of the clinical application of lifestyle medicine, which, according to studies, is proven to address clinician burnout. In addition, the webinar will cover two unique scholarship opportunities that were designed to diversify the medical workforce and train and certify health center physicians in lifestyle medicine. Register here.

Interested in learning more about membership and engagement with The Root Cause Coalition and how your organization can join our work toward health equity for all? Please reach out to Anna Megel, Member Relations Manager, at

Social Determinants in the News

Area-Level Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Health Care Spending
This article is a review of 24 studies that used a cross-sectional, case-control or cohort study design to determine the association between area-level measures of socioeconomic disadvantage like the Area Deprivation Index (ADI) or the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) and health care spending. The review found that higher ADI and SVI were mostly associated with increased health care spending and patient-reporter barriers due to cost. These findings imply that both ADI and SVI can play important roles in efforts to understand drivers of health care spending and the design of payment and care delivery programs that capture aspects of social risk.

Essential Connections: Community Health Centers’ Role in Facilitating Healthy Transitions out of Incarceration
Federal and state policymakers have been revising Medicaid policies to enhance health care continuity and access for individuals during incarceration and after release. This initiative stems from research highlighting the link between health status and recidivism. This article specifically discusses the potential of Medicaid to cover Community Health Center (CHC) care and its role in ensuring ongoing and accessible health care for incarcerated and released youth. CHCs already cater to communities significantly affected by incarceration, striving to provide accessible, integrated care, often already possessing substantial expertise in reentry care. This renders them vital partners for Medicaid and other state medical programs.

Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs
KFF polling reveals pervasive struggles with health care costs among U.S. adults, impacting insurance decisions and care-seeking. Affordability concerns, especially unexpected bills and prescription drug costs, dominate financial worries among U.S. adults. Notably, results from polling finds health care affordability ranks as a key concern for voters in the 2024 election with half of U.S. adults finding it challenging to afford health care, particularly for younger, lower-income, uninsured individuals.

State Strategies to Leverage Medicaid Managed Care Contracting for Investments in Health and Housing Alignment
This toolkit from the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) reviews examples of how state Medicaid programs leverage their contracts with managed care organizations (MCOs) and policies to support housing-related interventions and address the housing needs of beneficiaries. Medicaid MCOs are important players in developing partnerships and coordinating resources to deliver housing supports and services regardless of whether a state has implemented an 1115 waiver or not. To view the full toolkit and a resource for each strategy, click here.

SDoH Advocacy Update

TRCC’s Equity Legislation Monitor for 118th Congress
TRCC’s Equity Legislation Monitor (ELM) was developed by TRCC to identify priority issues affecting health disparities and relevant legislation that address them. The ELM provides updates and pertinent information on research, news and legislation in eight priority areas: digital equity; environment and climate change; gun violence prevention; housing; maternal health; nutrition and food security; rural health; and payment models. A new subpage has been added to the nutrition and food security page focusing on Food is Medicine. Click here to see the new page and check out the ELM.

GAO Releases Report on Maternal Health Outcomes
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report reviewing available Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) data on maternal health during COVID-19 and examining the extent to which HHS agencies have incorporated key practices to assess the performance of selected HHS maternal health efforts. The report found that maternal mortality and other adverse outcomes associated with pregnancy or childbirth worsened significantly in 2020 and 2021, as compared with 2018 and 2019. Disparities in maternal health outcomes persisted, as the maternal mortality rate among non-Hispanic, Black or African American women was about 2.5 times greater than non-Hispanic, White women during these years, according to GAO’s analysis of HHS data. The report includes two GAO recommendations: HHS should ensure the Maternal Health Blueprint’s performance measurement strategy follows key practices and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should establish quantitative targets for the Perinatal Quality Collaborative program’s goals.

CMS Announces Utah Postpartum Medicaid and CHIP Expansion
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced Utah's extension of comprehensive coverage for postpartum individuals for a full 12 months through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Utah is now the 45th state to be approved for the extended coverage, which was authorized by the American Rescue Plan of 2021 and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. With this expansion, an additional 4,000 people in Utah will be eligible for Medicaid and CHIP coverage for an entire year after pregnancy and 691,000 Americans across 45 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands now have access to extended postpartum coverage.

H.R.7325 – Community Housing Act of 2024
This bill was introduced by Representative Becca Balint [D-VT] to address the housing crisis in the U.S. The bill would increase the supply of affordable housing by investing in federal programs that fund the construction of affordable housing as well as ensuring perpetual affordable housing by utilizing a community land trust or shared equity model. It would fund and permanently reauthorize emergency rental assistance programs, provide free legal resources for people facing eviction and support programs designed to support homeownership through down payment assistance. The bill would also establish a new federal office to address exclusionary zoning practices and a new grant program to encourage state and local communities to modify zoning rules. Finally, it would discourage rental price gouging by requiring large landlords to submit regular reports for antitrust enforcement. The bill was referred to the Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Ways and Means.

H.R.3838 – Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act of 2023
This bill, introduced by Representative Michael Burgess [R-TX], would address the maternal health crisis by reauthorizing federal support for maternal mortality review committees which allow states to better understand pregnancy-associated and related deaths and reduce disparities in maternal health outcomes. The bill would also require the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to annually publish best practices for preventing maternal mortality and morbidity to hospitals, professional societies, and perinatal quality collaboratives to improve pregnancy outcomes. The bill passed the House and has been received in the Senate.

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