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TRCC Newsletter 03/25/2024

TRCC Newsletter 03/25/2024

Newsletter Archive

Archival newsletter for week of 03/25/2024

The Root Cause Coalition provides this weekly update to highlight our members’ social determinants of health (SDOH) activities, SDOH in the news, and the ever-growing challenges faced by our most vulnerable communities. We encourage you to share SDOH-focused research, events and other resources with us so that we can promote it through our TRCC network. Our aim is to foster an exchange of information that is helpful to others so that those most in need—on whose behalf we work each day—can continue to receive information, access and services to improve their health and quality of life.

If you have information to share, please email us at

Share your passion for health equity by sponsoring the National Summit!
Whether your goal is to enhance your relationships and share business insights with other SDOH leaders, underscore your organization's role in achieving health equity or showcase your organization's work by targeting your brand and unique programs to National Summit attendees, sponsoring TRCC's National Summit will provide you with these opportunities and more. Sponsorship opportunities for the National Summit begin at $1,500 and are designed to maximize your organization's exposure to hundreds of leaders in health care, business, community development, social services, education, faith communities, government sectors and national foundations who share your commitment to health equity and social justice. Click here to view the 2024 National Summit Sponsorship Prospectus. If you have any questions or are ready to commit to a sponsorship, please contact Lori Bennett at


Save the Date for TRCC’s 2024 Advocacy Day
We are excited to announce this year's TRCC Advocacy Day is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington, DC. This is an in-person, member-only event. Programming will begin at 9 a.m. with Hill meetings continuing throughout the afternoon. We will update members on additional information, and questions should be directed via e-mail to Hannah Miller, Senior Advisor for Advocacy, at We look forward to seeing you in May!

Root of the Issue
Check out Root of the Issue, TRCC’s podcast that explores the passion and purpose of individuals from across the nation who have dedicated themselves to championing health equity for all. Root of the Issue can be accessed on TRCC’s website and on your favorite podcast app, including Apple, Spotify and Google. Check out all archived podcasts here!

Register for Mid-Atlantic Region Come to the Table Taking Place Tomorrow, March 26
The Root Cause Coalition is proud to work with the USDA to achieve the goal of ending hunger in the United States by 2030, as set forth by President Biden. Building on the momentum of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, this virtual event is an opportunity to hear from leaders in the field who will share their expertise and experiences in addressing nutrition security and health equity in the USDA’s Mid-Atlantic Region (District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Puerto Rico).

The event will take place virtually, tomorrow, March 26, from 10 am – noon ET. Please join us for an opportunity to engage in dialogue to shape policy and program priorities that will lead to a healthier future for all Americans. Register here.

Housing and Health: Experiences, Perceptions and Concerns about Housing as a Social Driver
In addition to TRCC’s recent Housing and Health survey, we have developed a summary of the latest news and research related to housing security and its connection to other social drivers, available here. Access to safe, stable housing has a profound effect on one’s health and well-being. Poor housing conditions, such as overcrowding, inadequate ventilation and exposure to environmental hazards, can lead to a range of health problems including respiratory illnesses, injuries and mental health issues. Housing instability, homelessness and unsafe neighborhoods further exacerbate these health risks, impacting physical and mental well-being. Affordable, quality housing not only provides a foundation for good health but also facilitates access to essential amenities and social support networks, promoting overall well-being and reducing health disparities within communities.

Communications Update: TRCC is on Instagram!
We listened to our member feedback and are thrilled to announce the launch of The Root Cause Coalition's official Instagram channel! Our IG account will feature research insights, behind-the-scenes glimpses, event updates, and impactful member stories. Through this channel, we aim to amplify TRCC member voices and foster meaningful connections in our mission to advance health equity for all. Give us a follow at @RootCauseCoalition! Member organizations are encouraged to contact Anna Megel, Member Relations Manager, at if they would like to be featured in a spotlight post.

TRCC Member Highlights

LISC Named One of ImpactAssets 50 Emeritus Awardees for 2024
LISC was recently named one of ten community development financial institutions (CDFIs) selected for this year’s ImpactAssets 50, and one of four recognized with the Emeritus status. As one of the country’s largest community development organizations, LISC leverages public, private and philanthropic capital to catalyze economic opportunity for people and communities. This award shows how CDFIs such as LISC can play a role in building more inclusive and equitable opportunities in communities across the country.

Interested in learning more about membership and engagement with The Root Cause Coalition and how your organization can join our work toward health equity for all? Please reach out to Anna Megel, Member Relations Manager, at

Social Determinants in the News

KFF Survey on Racism, Discrimination and Health: Views on Racism and Trust in Key U.S. Institutions
This report uses findings from KFF’s 2023 Racism, Discrimination and Health Survey to examine U.S. adults’ views on racism in major aspects of society and explores the level of trust in health care providers and other public institutions to gauge how levels of trust vary by race and ethnicity. Key takeaways include that large majorities of adults say racism is at least a minor problem in U.S. politics, criminal justice, education, housing, employment and health care, and Black adults are much more likely to view racism as a major problem in each area. The findings show that many adults see racism as a problem across aspects of U.S. society and underscore the importance of continued efforts to address structural and systemic racism across multiple aspects of society, including health care.

Expansion of Child Tax Credits and Mental Health of Parents with Low Income in 2021
This study used a sample of 546,366 adults to determine if the expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) in 2021 was associated with improved mental health among parents whose household income was less than $35,000. The study found that of the adults sampled, expanded CTC benefits were associated with an approximate one-fourth decrease in anxiety symptoms for the beneficiaries. These findings can be used as evidence when policymakers are considering making permanent the CTC expansion.

Inadequate Home Improvement Financing Preserves Racial Disparities in Housing Quality
This study explores racial disparities in housing quality. According to the 2021 American Housing Survey, 5.7% of Black homeowners live in inadequate homes, almost double that of the rate for white homeowners. The study attributes this disparity to historical discrimination and the inequitable distribution of home improvement financing and assistance. To fix these inequities, the study recommends policymakers improve access to and streamline renovation financing and assistance, require servicers to establish contact with borrowers when a lower payment is available because of declining interest rates, improve lending programs for structural repairs, improve program efficiency and find ways to better fund programs.

NIH Climate Change and Health Coordinating Center hosts first conference
On Feb. 5-7, CAFÉ (Convene, Accelerate, Foster, and Expand the Climate Change and Health Community of Practice), the Research Coordinating Center for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Climate Change and Health Initiative, held its first Climate and Health Conference. More than 900 participants from the academic community, government agencies, community-based and non-governmental organizations, industry and other key stakeholders convened with the goal of accelerating the pace of research into the association of climate change and health. The NIH directors present emphasized the need for a multidisciplinary approach to reduce health threats posed by climate change and build climate resilience.

SDoH Advocacy Update

TRCC’s Equity Legislation Monitor for 118th Congress
TRCC’s Equity Legislation Monitor (ELM) was developed by TRCC to identify priority issues affecting health disparities and relevant legislation that addresses them. The ELM provides updates and pertinent information on research, news and legislation in eight priority areas: digital equity; environment and climate change; gun violence prevention; housing; maternal health; nutrition and food security; rural health; and payment models.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A new subpage has been added to the nutrition and food security page focusing on Food is Medicine. Click here to see the new page and check out the ELM.

Executive Order on Advancing Women’s Health Research and Innovation
President Joe Biden recently signed a new Executive Order to expand and improve research on women’s health. The order is made up of more than 20 new actions and commitments by federal agencies, including through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The directives will ensure women’s health is integrated and prioritized across the federal research portfolio and budget and will galvanize new research on a wide range of topics, including women’s midlife health. It will also launch a new National Institute of Health (NIH) effort to direct key investments in Fiscal Year 2025 to fund new and interdisciplinary women’s health research. This order builds on the announcement last month of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Sprint for Women’s Health, which committed $100 million towards transformative research and development in women’s health.

H.R.7504 – Rural Veterans Transportation to Care Act
Introduced by Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Perez [D-WA], this bill would expand transportation options for veterans living in rural areas to get to Veterans Affairs (VA) health facilities by reauthorizing the VA Highly Rural Transportation Grant (HRTG) Program for five years and adding Tribal Organizations as entities eligible to apply for the program. The HRTG Program provides transportation services in areas with less than seven people per square mile and is available at no cost for veterans who live in eligible zones. This bill would expand the VA’s definition to ensure more counties are eligible for the grant program, helping more veterans living in rural areas get transportation to the VA or VA-authorized health care facilities. It would also increase the maximum amount of funding grant recipients are eligible for to better allow grantees to purchase an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant vehicle. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

S.1379 – Excess Urban Heat Mitigation Act of 2023
This bill, introduced by Senator Sherrod Brown [D-OH], would address the health impacts of extreme heat waves that have become frequent due to the climate crisis. The bill would direct HUD to establish an urban heat mitigation grant program allowing entities such as local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, Tribal governments and nonprofits to apply for funding to implement efforts to help offset the effects of excess urban heat. Funding could be used for mitigation efforts including cool pavements, cool roofs, tree planting and maintenance, green roofs, bus stop covers, cooling centers and local heat mitigation education efforts. As research has shown that the impact of excess urban heat disproportionally affects lower-income communities and communities of color, the bill would require that at least 50% of funding would be awarded to projects in low-income and environmental justice communities. The bill was referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and hearings were recently held.

H.R.7451 – Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act of 2024
This bill was introduced by Representative Rashida Tlaib [D-MI] to address the barriers youth and young adults face in finding safe and stable housing, including systemic and structural racism, age discrimination and a low supply of affordable housing. The bill would establish a pilot program providing direct cash assistance to emancipated minors and young adults under 30 years old experiencing homelessness for 36 months. Participants in the program would also receive workforce development and educational attainment services and financial coaching courses. The bill would also commission a study to better understand the effects this program had on housing and health outcomes. The bill was referred to the Committees on Financial Services and Ways and Means.

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