TRCC Webinar: FIMC's Standard for MTM Intervention
TRCC Webinar: FIMC's Standard for MTM Intervention
Monday, May 20, 2024 (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)
TRCC member The Food is Medicine Coalition (FIMC) has developed and released the first-ever medically tailored meal standard for the field: The Food Is Medicine Coalition Medically Tailored Meal Intervention Accreditation Criteria and Requirements (FIMC MTM ACR). FIMC agencies created the medically tailored meal intervention nearly 40 years ago in community. The FIMC Accreditation Program synthesizes decades of quality service provision into a standard for the field that ensures fidelity to the proven MTM model.
The FIMC MTM ACR ensures that all FIMC-Accredited MTM agencies provide a high quality medically tailored meal intervention that meets the needs of clients living with severe, complex, or chronic health condition(s), regardless of location, size, or number of clients and meal plans catered for. FIMC Accreditation provides verified credibility for an organization's operations and the MTM intervention the agency provides. It signals to the community, policy makers, healthcare partners, and most importantly - clients - a level of service that can be trusted.
Join this webinar to hear directly from the Food Is Medicine Coalition about the program. Nonprofit organizations delivering MTMs in their communities are encouraged to apply to the FIMC Accreditation Program and join the Coalition to scale equitable access to this lifesaving intervention across the country.